"Helena As She Was"

A-A Garage

Airport, Helena Municipal

Alhambra Hot Springs

Allen's Court Square Livery

Al's Drive-In

Anchor Fence Co.

Anderson Chevrolet

Anderson Motors

Antlers Theatre

Army Air Corps
Arctic Patrol 1935

Arsenal and Armory

Arthur P. Curtin Co. - Department Store

Ashby Block

"Auto Row" - Empson Building

Automobile Wreck - Broadwater, 1961


Bach, Cory & Co. Wholesale Grocers

Banking History 1866 to 1944



Barz, Richard - Tailor Shop 103 N. Jackson

"Beanery" - Northern Pacific Depot restaurant

Bell Motel

Belvidere (later the Dawn) Hotel

Benton Avenue Cemetery (link to cemetery assn. website)

Benton Road - Toll road through Prickly Pear Canyon

Bicycle Trip to Chicago 1891

Big Indian mine

Big Medicine - sacred white bison

Bill the Nifty Tailor

Birdseye Railroad Depot and Section House

Black Heritage Places Tour Guide 2023 (PDF)

Blackstone Apartments

Blakeslee, James B.

Bluestone House

Bonneville Apartments

Boulder Hot Springs (aka Diamond S Ranchotel)

Boulder, Montana

Brand Theatre - never built

Brady's Cafe & Candy Kitchen

Bridge, Williams Street

Broadwater Grocery

Broadwater Hotel & Natatorium

Broadwater Skating Rink

Broadwater Streetcar Bridge Washout, 1908


Brown, M. L. - Sporting Goods

Bryant School

Bull, John

"Butterfly Man" - Joseph MacDonald

The Button Shop

Buttrey's Supermarkets


Cabin Cafe (Formerly Eddy Cafe)

Caird Engineering Works

Canyon Creek School Tumbling Team

Canyon Ferry Dam

Capital Auto Court

Capital City Bowl

Capital Hill Mall

Capital Lanes

Capital Music Hall

Capital Potato Chips

Capitol Building

Carey School

Carroll College

Carroll Trail - overland route

Carroll Village

Cathedral of Saint Helena

Catholic Hill Aerial View ca 1933

Cemetery, Benton Avenue (link to cemetery assn.)

Cemetery, Catholic (old abandoned)

Cemetery, City (Helena's first)

Cemetery, Forestvale

Central Garage

Central Meat Market

Central Park

Central School

Chateau Hall

Cheerio Lounge in the Placer Hotel

"Chinese" Garden, West Main

Chinese Masonic Temple

Christie, William - Bill the Nifty Tailor

Circus, Clyde Beatty, 1954

Circus, Ringling Bros.1902

Circus Twin Theaters 1972-2005

City/County Building - 1904 Federal Bldg.

Old City Hall - 1885 to 1935

Civic Center Building

Coal, Mutual

College Pharmacy

Colonial Supper Club

Columbia Paint Co.

Columbian Expostion Fountain

Confederate Memorial Fountain in Hill Park

Consistory Shrine

Consumer's Oil Company

Cooper, Gary

The Corner

Corner Bar

Cosmopolitan Hotel


Cox Lake

C. R. Anderson School

Cramer's Trading Post

"Crazy Emma" Upgard

Crescent Movie Supply Service

Curtin, Arthur P. - Department Store

Cutler Street, 108 East - Henry Maxwell



Dawn Hotel

Deaconess School

Denver Block

Depot District Boarding Houses

DeWalt, Clarence

Dewey, Thomas E. - in Helena 1948

Diamond R Freighting Company

Diamond S Ranchotel - Boulder, MT

Dickert Dairy

The Diner

Dixon, Cromwell

Dorothy's Rooms - Bordello

Drennon, Paul "Red" - Cycle Shop

Drilling Contest July 4 1907


Earhart, Amelia
- Helena visit 1933

Earthquake Photo Gallery

East Helena, Montana

Eastern Star Golden Jubilee, Townsend MT 1938

Eaton-Turner Jewelry

Eck's Toxbox and Hobby Shop

Eddy's Drive-Inn

Ehlers Corner

Electric Block

Elkhorn, Montana

Emanu-El, Temple -- Synagogue

Emerson School (later May Butler School)

Empson, John Howard Jr.

Erickson, Gov. John

Exchange Tavern Gold 1938

Eybel's Cafe

Eybel Hotel



Family Host Drive-in, aka Scotty's, aka Morey's

Family Theatre - "Daddy" Reeves

1904 Federal Building

Fire -1928

Fire Tower

Fligelman's Department Store (Later J. M. McDonald Co.)

First Baptist Chruch of Montana

Flood of 1878

Florence Crittenton Home

Flower, Official City 1919-1926 "Golden Glow"

Flower Garden School

Fogarty, John L. -- Noted Singer

Foidel Undertaking Co.

Forestvale Cemetery

Fort William Henry Harrison

Fountain - Columbian Exposition

Fountain - Daughters of the Confederacy

Fountain - Prospectors

426 Clarke St. Apartments

43 Spencer St.

4-B's Restaurant & Cafeteria

Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine - Boulder, MT

Frenchy's of Wolf Creek

Frontier Town

Funeral Home - Retz/Opp & Conrad


Gabel's Machine Works

Galen, Hugh F.

Gamer's Drive-Inn

Garden, "Chinese" on West Main

Garden Spot Market

Gaslight Cinema

Gates of the Mountains

Gertie's Drive-Inn (formerly Martello's)

Globe Clothing Co.

Gold Dredging in the Helena Valley

Gold Mines - Old Interior Views

Gold Under the Street 1938

Golden Canyon Days

Golden Glow - Official City Flower 1919-1926

Golf Courses, early

Good Shepherd, House of The

Goodell Gardens

Goodie Shop

Goodkind Building

Governors' Mansions

Grand Central Hotel - Later the Harvey Hotel

Grand Pacific Bar

Grandon Hotel

Great Northern Depot

Great Northern Town Center

Green Meadow Ranch

Grohbrugge, Helen - Lake Helena Suicide


Hanging Tree
- also the so-called Hanging Tree located in Clancy, MT

Harvey Hotel

Hauser Cabin and Camp

Hauser Dam

Haymarket Square July 4 1907

Helena Apartments on Grand Street

Helena Business College

Helena City Council Minutes - Montana Memory Project

Helena Gun Club

Helena High School 1893-1935

Helena High School 1935-1955

Helena High School On Wheels 1935-38

Helena High School 1955-present

Helena Independent Newspaper

Helena Sand & Gravel

Helena Skating Amphitheatre

Helena Valley

Hill Park & Women's Park

Hi-Way Market

Holiday Motel

Holter Dam

Holter Hardware Co. Warehouse

Home of Peace Jewish Cemetery

Homer Block

Horner Jewelry, Townsend, MT


Hot Wheels Skating Center

Hotels & Motels

Hotel Helena

House of the Good Shepherd

Howard's Pizza

Hustad Shopping Center


Imperial 400 Motel

Imperial Lanes - Bowling

Imperial Lanes Coffee Shop

Interstate Highway Construction

Iron Front Building Shops, 1970s

Isham's Valley Service



Jackson St. at Breckenridge St., ca. 1895

Jacoby's Store for Men

J. C. Penney Co.

Jefferson City Dredge

Jefferson City View, ca 1895

Jefferson School

Jimbo's Hamburgers

J. M. McDonald Co. - Department Store

Johnson, Al - Radio Personality

Johnson, Louis - Building Contactor

Jorud, Leslie H. - Noted 20th Century Photographper

July 4 1907 in Haymarket Square

Jumbo Block



Keelboat Mandan - "Big Sky" movie prop

Kellogg, Dr. Edwin S.

Kelly's Barber Shop (Antlers Theater Building)

Kenck, Oscar A. M. -- Dentist

Kessler Brewing Co.

Kessler (aka Kenwood) School

Kinney, Jack and Dorris - Commercial Artists

Kleinschmidt Block

Kleinschmidt Home - Albert Kleinschmidt

Kluge House

Knapp Service Station

Kozy Motel

KXLJ / KBLL Radio and TV


Lake Helena Bridge

Lamb Ranch

Lamplighter Motel

Langley, Red - Husky station

Last Chance Drive Inn

Last Chance Gulch / Main Street - Views

Last Chance Rhythm Mares - Musical Group

Lawrence St., Opposition to Extanding, 1890

Lay, Jack D. and Henry L.

Lee Building

LeGrande Cannon Boulevard

Lewis & Clark County Courthouse


Lightner Candy Company

Lindbergh, Charles A. - Helena visit 1927

Lindy's Parchen Drug

Liquor Control Board Warehouse

Lockey & Leiser Building

Log Cabin Grocery

Lorey, William Jr. - Signs and Decorating

Lundy's Supermarket


MacDonald, Joseph - Lepidopterist

MacDonald Pass

McGaffick's Service Stations

Main Motel

Main News & Confectionery

Major, Colonel John Crittenden


Marlow Theatre

Maroney, Terah "T. T." - Pioneer Aviator

Marshall, Walter and Doris

Marshall Wells Store - Hustad Center

Masonic Organizations

Masonic Temple, Chinese

Maxwell, Henry - 108 E. Cutler St.

May Butler School

Melhorn, Zebulon P. - Restaurateur

Merchants Delivery

Merchants Hotel

Millegan Ranch

Miller Greenhouses

Mills Hall

Ming's Kitchen

Mint, The

Minute Kitchen

Mischel's Cafe

Montana Club

Montana Conservatory of Music

Montana Federation of Labor, 1907

Montana Historical Society

Montana Packing & Provision Co.

Montana Trail - Overland route from Corinne, Utah

Monticello Apartments

Morey's Drive-In aka Scottty's, aka Family Host

Mount Helena

Mountain View School for Girls

Movie Theaters

Mr. Lucky's


Mutual Coal Co.


Nabisco Factory
- Boulder Avenue

Naegele Printing Co.

Nash Hotel

Navy Recruiting Tool, Torpedo Boat 'Wasatch'

New Cash Market

"Newsies" - Newpaper Boys

Northern Pacific (Union) Depot


115 West Lawrence St.

Odd Fellows

Old Brewery Theatre

Opp & Conrad Funeral Home

Oro Fino Terrace


Parade, Pet and Doll

Parchen Drug

Park Avenue Apartments

Parrot Confectionery

Payne's Hotel & Corral

Peel, Langford

Penney, J. C. Co.

Peter Pan Restaurant

Pete's Corner

Phillips, John

Phoenix Building

Pieper, Otto - Artist

Pine Hills Golf Course

Pioneer Cabin

Placer Hotel

Placer Motors

Pot o' Gold Noodles

Power Block

Power, Thomas C.

Prickly Pear (Wolf Creek) Canyon

Pride, Charley

Prospector Fountain



Queen City Meat Market

Quigley, John - Builder of Frontier Town


Radio Service Engineers

Radon Health Mine, Boulder, Montana

Railroads in Helena

RB Drive-In

R. C. Wallace Grocary Co.

Red Light District

Red Roof Cafe

Reeder's Alley

Reeves, A. I. "Daddy"

Restaurants & Bars

Retz Funeral Home

Ringling Bros. Circus, 1902

Rio Theatre Later the Vigilante

River Inn, Townsend, Montana

Rocky Mountain Telephone Co.

Rogal Furriers

Roosevelt, Eleanor - Stopover in Helena 1938


Saengerfest Program 1910

Safeway on Front St.

Safeway on Montana Ave.

Saint Helena School

Saint John's Hospital

Saint Joseph's Orphans Home

Saint Paul's Methodist Church

Saint Peter's Hospital (old)

Saint Vincent's Academy


Scott's Toys

Scotty's Drive-in aka Morey's, aka Family Host

Seymer Park Neighborhood Panorama, 1965

Shanty, The -- valley dancehall

Shaw's Pancake Flour Factory

Shodiar Hospital & Montana Children's Home

Silver Spur Bar

Sixth and Main

Skating Rink at Broadwater

Skating, roller

Skyline Bill

Sky-Hi Drive-In Theatre

Smith's Cafe

Sonnefield, Henry F.

Spencer St., #43


State Nursery & Seed Co.

State Vocational School for Girls

Steamboat Block

Steamboats on the Missouri River

Stewart Homes

Streetcar Bridge Washout 1908

Sunnyside Hot Springs

Sunny-View Guest Home

Sunset Drive-In Theatre

Sylvester, Annie -- Bicyclienne

Synness Homestead



Taco John's - Mexican Fast Food


Telephone History

Temple Emanu-El -- Synagogue

Ten Mile Creek

Texaco - Main at Neill


Thompson Block

Thompson, Kenneth H. - Inventor

Torpedo Boat 'Wasatch' - Navy Recruiting Tool

Toston Dam

Tour Train

Tower Motel

Tower Shopping Center

Townsend, Montana

Town Talk Cafe, Townsend, Montana

Town Talk Drive-in, Helena, Montana

Tracy's Lounge

Travelodge Downtown

Treasure State Court - Later Bell Motel

Tru-Value Dress Shop

Tufts Street 1929 view

Twenty-two Jefferson St. - Kleinschmidt Home


Union Bank & Trust Co

1904 Union Railway Depot


Upgard, "Crazy Emma"

Urban Renwal Demolition

Urban Renewal - Walking Mall 1970s


Valley Speedway

Valley View Motel

Vigilante Parade

Vigilante Theatre Formerly the Rio


Vroman's Drive-In


Walker's Auto Parts

Walker's Garage

Walking Mall, 1970s

Walllace, R. C. Grocery

Walt & Millie's Diner

'Wasatch' Model Torpedo Boat

Weather Ball (Union Bank)

Weiss Cafe

Western Foundry

Western Life Insurance Co.

White Dove Lunch

Wickes, Montana

Williams Street Bridge

Wishbone Cafe

Wolf Creek (Prickly Pear) Canyon

Women's Park & Hill Park

Women's Park Urn

Wong, House of - Chinese Restaurant

Woolworth, F. W. Co

Workers' Educational Club


1914 Y. M. C. A.

1918 Y. W. C. A.

York, Miles



Zagay Furriers (later Rogal Furriers)

Zip-In-'N-Out Drive-In